One of my good friends visited NY from Scotland recently, and she travels with this funny Japanese Polaroid camera with her at all times. Here's one we took right before she flew back. Miss her already!!
Meeting Patti
Pretty blown away that I got to meet the legend that is Patti Smith yesterday. She seemed pre-occupied with all her deadlines & whatnot but I wasn't going to let that deter me from asking her for a quick autograph in this book of her black and white polaroids. I left that room with a smile indeed..
Attempting to Purge
Right now I'm in the process of getting rid of my extensive (fashion) magazine collection, as I don't feel the need or the urge to continue to own them. I thankfully found a woman who works at The Costume Institute at the The Metropolitan Museum of Art that will unload a bunch off me. I took this image of the steamy ramp when I paid her a visit the other dismal day.